Recent highlights

Our 29th general assembly took place on 25.06.2020 by videoconference with the presence of about ten connected members. On this occasion, we had an online conference with Mr. Larry Fobes, former Ford Global Business Strategy Executive, Director Wayne State University, Co-Founder Learning with Leaders as well as a virtual tour of SAVENCIA by the group's Managing Director Mrs. Christine Lefebvre.

Presentation of “AVANTAGE FRIBOURG: Entrepreneurial and territorial competitiveness in the canton of Fribourg" with, from left to right, Olivier Vavasseur (president of Fribourg International), Beat Zaugg (CEO of Scott Sports SA), Prof. Philippe Gugler (Director of the Centre for Competitiveness Research at the University of Fribourg) and his team - 30.10.2019

27th AGM at Liebherr SA - 01.07.2019. Claude Ambrosini, director of Liebherr Machines Bulle SA (left) and Olivier Vavasseur, president of Fribourg International.

Conference with Yves Rossier, Swiss Ambassador to Russia on "Russia at the Crossroads" - 13.11.2018
4 BREAKFAST with Philippe Schnell, Deputy Director of the Swiss National Bank (SNB) and Head of Cash Circulation West on "Banknote Security" - 26.09.2018

Conference with BDO SA on the "General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union and Revision of the Federal Data Protection Act: Issues and Implications for Swiss-based Businesses" - 23.04.2018
27th AGM at Bluefactory - 01.03.2018
Lecture by Joseph Deiss, former Federal Councillor on "Omissions and Heresies in Economics" - 23.11.2017
Lunch-time debate with EY Switzerland about digitization “Steer Your Business into a Digital World” - 28.09.2017
26th AGM at MEGGITT SA - 06.06.2017
XMAS BUSINESS 4 BREAKFAST with Jean-Claude Monney of Microsoft Services (Seattle, USA) on "How to apply collective intelligence to productivity and innovation" - 20.12.2016