Award scheme raises awareness in schools
Working with selected schools, Fribourg International awards an annual prize of CHF 1,000 in recognition of an international project, preferably one that involves a local company or entity.
General goals
- To raise awareness among apprentices about the problems of local companies aiming at international markets
- Give young people a voice by giving them the opportunity to roleplay an actor in the field of international relations
- Encourage educational bodies to implement projects with an international connection
Educational goals
- To better understand the problems met by companies operating internationally and to have apprentices develop documented conclusions on the subject
- To support work in the context of teaching, work experience or a stay abroad
The awards are open to students at the end of their training in selected schools and institutions. Given work of satisfactory quality, two awards are given every year.
These awards invite apprentices to submit their work in French, German or English
The project must have an international theme and, if possible, relate to a local company or entity
The subject of the submission may relate to an end-of-training job, internship or stay abroad
The project must solely be the work of the individual submitting it
The work can be:
- A hard copy document of at least five pages with an electronic version
- A three- to four-minute video, including generic
- Other formats may be acceptable, subject to agreement with the jury
- The work must be designed solely by the apprentice, with reference to sources
No more than one project per school will receive a prize of CHF 1,000. This will be awarded by the president or a member of the Fribourg International jury when the professional training service certificates are presented.
Attribution criteria
The work is evaluated according to the following criteria:
- originality
- topicality
- quality of content
- response to need / fitness for purpose
- communication
Submission contents
Each school and/or educational establishment informs apprentices about the Fribourg International prize. Interested parties explain their project to teaching staff orally and then in writing. Finally, each school and/or institution informs Fribourg International about the projects that have been accepted for validation.
The timetable will be defined from year to year, in agreement with the school and/or institution.
For each school, the jury is composed of two representatives of Fribourg International and one or two representatives of the school concerned. One of the Fribourg International representatives presides and has a casting vote in the event of a tie. The Fribourg International committee ultimately endorses the prize awarded to each work. If none of the projects meet the award criteria, no prizes will be awarded.
The judges’ decision is final and not subject to appeal.
The jury's results are confidential until the date of the award presentation.